Solo le Pido a Dios…que el dolor no me sea indiferente.

Solo le Pido a Dios…que el dolor no me sea indiferente.

I only ask God, that I not be indifferent to pain, war,  injustice, treason, or to the future


Mercedes Sosa’s rendition of  Solo le Pido a Dios  has a haunting, prayer-like quality, with  the introspective expressiveness of Latin American heart.     That I not be indifferent to what is going on, but be open to do what I can do via the opportunities the Lord gives to me.  It’s open for each of us to apply in our own situation in life.  It’s a gift to the world  from the hearts and of  the peoples of Latin America.  You can listen to it on you tube and come to your own applications.

Solo le Pido a Dios, by Leon Giecom, 1978, Sung by Mercedes Sosa

Solo le pido a Dios
que el dolor no me sea indiferente
que la reseca muerte no me encuentre
vacia y sola sin haber hecho lo suficiente.

Solo le pido a Dios
que lo injusto no me sea indiferente
que no me abofeteen la otra mejilla
despus que una garra me arae hasta la suerte.

Solo le pido a Dios
que la guerra no me sea indiferente
es un monstruo grande y pisa fuerte
toda la pobre inocencia de la gente.

Solo le pido a Dios
que el engao no me sea indiferente
si un traidor puede mas que unos cuantos
que esos cuantos no lo olviden facilmente.

Solo le pido a Dios
que el futuro no me sea indiferente
desgraciado es el que tiene que marchar
para vivir una cultura diferente

Solo le pido a Dios
que la guerra no me sea indiferente
es un monstruo grande y pisa fuerte
toda la pobre inocencia de la gente.



I only ask of God
That the pain is not indifferent to me,
That the dried death does not encounter me
Empty and alone without having done enough.

I only ask of God
that injustice is not indifferent to me,
That they do not strike my other cheek
after a claw has scratched my fortune.

I only ask of God
that war is not indifferent to me,
It’s a large monster and it treads heavily
on all the poor innocence of the people.

It’s a large monster and it treads heavily
on all the poor innocence of the people.

I only ask of God
that treason is not indifferent to me,
If a traitor can do more than a number of people,
that this number of people will not forget easily.

I only ask of God
that the future is not indifferent to me,
Hopeless are those who must march on
to live a different culture.

I only ask of God
that war is not indifferent to me,
It’s a large monster and it treads heavily
on all the poor innocence of the people.

It’s a large monster and it treads heavily
on all the poor innocence of the people.

Originally written and performed by Argentinian musician Leon Gieco in 1978. This song is an anthem that was widely used throughout the social and political hardships and civil wars across Latin America, particularly in Argentina and Chile. It belongs to the Chilean ‘Nueva Canción’ genre. This version, performed by Argentinian aboriginal Mercedes Sosa (1935-2009)is the most recognized version, though it has been performed by such groups and musicians as Bruce Springsteen, Pete Seeger, U2, and Shakira.