Category: Uncategorized

  • Solo le Pido a Dios…que el dolor no me sea indiferente.

    Solo le Pido a Dios…que el dolor no me sea indiferente. I only ask God, that I not be indifferent to pain, war,  injustice, treason, or to the future   Mercedes Sosa’s rendition of  Solo le Pido a Dios  has a haunting, prayer-like quality, with  the introspective expressiveness of Latin American heart.     That I…

  • Beauty and Bombs

    Beauty and Bombs

    Fear seems to reign, at least it’s pretty strong right now in the United States.   It seems to me that the flip side of fear is often anger and violence.  That violence can ravage beautiful places in this earth.   Then the  land suffers for the sins of  humanity. Yet, there is great and…

  • Gracias Infinitas

    Gracias Infinitas

    Infinite thanks. In the English language I don’t think we express thanks with the word infinite. But, one of the beautiful things about experiencing the varied peoples in this world is to experience the various ways of saying thanks. In looking back over these last couple of years, one of the sweetest little expressions of…

  • A Glimpse of Lives of HIV-AIDS Positive Couple

    Their story goes back to teenage rebellion and drug use.  There must be a lot more to it.  The doctor from SHALOM has known them and their families for a long time.  He has reached out to them to try to help them improve their livelihoods by getting them a couple of pigs to fatten…

  • Laos Village Swing at Sunrise

    Laos Village Swing at Sunrise

    5:45 AM.  The sleeping bag didn’t want to let me get  out.  But sunrise called  for ambition.   A chance to take a pretty picture. I’m glad I did. In northern Laos the Akha people we work with make some wonderful swings.  We did not get a chance to see them in action, but I can…

  • Eating Together in Laos

    Something powerful goes with eating cross culturally.  Learning acceptance of others’ ways is one thing, for sure.  Gratitude for others’ hospitality and care, is another thing, for sure.  I notice that in the Bible, this was one of the really hard things for the Christians of the 1st century.  In the book of Acts Peter…

  • Calendars and Time: How We Organize Our Lives

    If you click on the picture below an amazing world of village life in among the Rshi people we work with in northern Laos opens up for you.   Thanks to a wonderful photographer, Ari, for sharing this photo collage calendar.   Love0 Share Share Share Pin

  • Treasuring the Harvest

    The rain comes down with a cold bite.   But, sometimes the sun shines brilliantly.   It’s harvest time in the temperate zone and that includes here in Michigan. Honey Crisp.  It’s a type of apple that sells for a very high price because of the good taste.    But, it turns out that you can go to…

  • What Does Our Search For “The Beach” Really Cost?

    One of the themes of this blog is wonder, especially the sense of wonder and awe at our amazing Creator, the amazing creation and the amazing people in the creation.   I think that there is a longing within us all to experience places and people that fill our need to wonder.  In developing countries ecological…

  • Opium Freedom Journey

    Opium Freedom Journey

    A previous blog told about families in a Thai village becoming free from opium addiction and what that freedom means for husband-wife relationships.  To gain this freedom people needed economic alternatives as well as changes of heart. In Laos World Renew  helps send opium addicts to rustic treatment centers and also helps opium producing villages…