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Bangladesh Human Creativity in Adapting to Erratic Rains: Floating Garden Interfish in Bangladesh

In northern Bangladesh the rains come more erratically than they used to. Some of the rivers that used to flow all year dry up now. But when the monsoon rains come and the Indian authorities north of the border open the sleuce gates of the dams, big floods come down from the Himalayan mountains.
So, what are the Bangladeshi people doing to survive and thrive? With help from World Renew to get organized in “peoples institutions,” and from the government of Bangladesh agronomists—Bangladeshi farmers are making floating gardens out of bamboo framers, water hyacinth bedding and mud. They transplant mud balls with little plants right into the floating garden. When the rains come down and the floods come up—the little gardens float upward.

The red leaf amaranth growing in the floating garden (at a low water time) is a super-nutritious food!
Farmers who have flooded rice fields are also planting fish fingerlings into their rice fields. They call their system: “Inter-fish.”
All of this brings admiration for the Bangladeshi people. They are many, with many mouths to feed. The rising sea level threatens their southern region and they are not in control of those sluice gates that drain the mighty Himalayans with their melting snow caps. But, with our help, they are not sitting around for hand-outs; they are trying to cope and adapt.
If this is an effort you feel called to join in with us and the Bangladeshi people, we sure do need your support.

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